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Card Game & UI Design

Using Interactive card games and UI app to help develop emotional intelligence (EQ) among children in Malaysia.

The project aims to create an interactive card game that fosters indirect yet enjoyable communication between parents and children. This game will serve as a dual-purpose tool, enabling children to engage with busy parents or guardians while nurturing trust and promoting healthy communication. Additionally, the UI app will serve as a platform for parents to enhance their understanding of children's emotional intelligence and facilitate connections within the parenting community.

My Role:
Project Leader


Alice Lau Ling Ling 

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A total of 54 cards were designed based on the five components of emotional intelligence (EQ):

1. Empathy
2. Social Skills
3. Self Regulation
4. Self Awareness
5. Motivation 

These cards allow children to reflect and share their thoughts on certain matters related to their daily lives with the illustrations. On the other hand, it can be played as a problem-solving game with children expressing themselves under their parents' or guardians' supervision. 

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The app allows parents to track down children's EQ development with the growth on each component. It also provides expert-led programs, valuable insights on parenting, and an opportunity to connect with nurturing parenting community.

Rule Book

The rule book is designed in a zine format that has an introduction to the five EQ components and the ways to use the cards.

Calendar with Stickers

A calendar set for parents to mark down the amount of Reflection Activities conducted with their children with monthly Malaysian festival stickers as rewards for their kids.

Chenille Stem Keychains
Full Set Packaging
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